Die Migration zu 400G/800G: Teil II

Thus far, in our discussion regarding the migration to 400G and beyond, we’ve covered lots of ground. In Part I, we outlined the market and technical drivers pushing data centers to adopt higher-speed capabilities eventually. We touched on the advances in transceiver formats, modulation schemes and higher-radix switches powered by faster ASICs. Then there are the connector options for allocating the additional bandwidth from the octal modules to the port level. Connectors include traditional parallel eight-, 12-, 16- and 24-fiber multi-push on (MPO) connectors, as well as newer duplex LC, SN, MDC and CS connectors.

But Part I tells only half the story. While the development of 400G optical modules and connectors is well underway, data center managers typically are struggling to define an infrastructure cabling strategy that makes sense, both operationally and financially. They can’t afford to get it wrong. The physical layer—cabling and connectivity—is the glue holding together everything in the network. Once a structured cabling infrastructure is installed, replacing it can be risky and expensive. Getting it right depends, in large part, on paying close attention to the standards, which are quickly evolving as well.


Suffice it to say that developing a future-ready infrastructure in today’s high-stakes, fast-moving data center environment is like trying to change your tires while flying down the highway. It takes planning, precision and more than a little insight as to what lies ahead. In Part II, we’ll try to give you the information and forward-looking vision you need to create a standards-based infrastructure that offers plenty of headroom for growth. Let’s get to it.

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To enlarge their capacity, many data centers are taking advantage of a variety of existing and new options. These could include traditional duplex and new parallel optic applications, four-pair and eight-pair singlemode and multimode connectors, WDM. The objective is increased capacity and efficiency. The challenge for many is charting a course that leads from your existing state (often with a very large installed base) to something that might be two steps ahead with different network topologies, connector types and cabling modules.

Combining the four pillars to enable 400G/800G and above

The four pillars of the data center infrastructure—port density, transceivers, connectors and cabling—provide a logical way to view the core components needed to support 400G and beyond. Within each pillar are a multitude of options. The challenge for network operators is understanding the pros and cons of the individual options while, at the same time, being able to recognize the inter-relationship between the four pillars. A change in cabling will most likely affect the proper selection of transceivers, port configurations and connectors. Those designing and managing the networks of the future must simultaneously live in the micro and the macro. The following are examples of where this is being done.

Recent standardization bodies activity

Tabelle 2: IEEE Std 802.3bs-2017 for 200G and 400G

Table 2: IEEE Std 802.3bs-2017 for 200G and 400G

Moving to 800G

Things are moving fast, and—spoiler alert—they have just jumped again. The good news is that, between the standards bodies and the industry, significant and promising developments are underway that will get data centers to 400G and 800G in the near future. Clearing the technological hurdles is only half the challenge, however. The other is timing. With refresh cycles running every two to three years and new technologies coming online at an accelerating rate, it becomes more difficult for operators to time their transitions properly—and more expensive if they fail to get it right. Here are some things to keep in mind as you plan for the changes to come.

Beyond 800G (1.6T)

With the paint still wet on 400G and 800G modules, the race to 1.6T and 3.2T has already begun. There are technical challenges to solve and standards and alliances to build before we get there. Optical design engineers continue to weigh the cost and risk of increasing lane rates vs adding more lanes. Regardless, the industry will need all its tools to reach the next network speeds.


Admittedly, there is a long list of things to consider regarding a high-speed migration to 400 Gb and beyond. The question is, what should you be doing? A great first step is to take stock of what you’ve got in your network today. How is it currently designed? For example, you’ve got patch panels and trunk cables between points, but what about the connections? Do your trunk cables have pins or not? Does the pin choice align with the transceivers you plan to use? Consider the transitions in the network. Are you using MPO-to-duplex, a single MPO to two MPOs? Without detailed information on the current state of your network, you won’t know what’s involved in adapting it for tomorrow’s applications.

Speaking of future applications, what does your organization’s technology roadmap look like? How much runway do you need to prepare your infrastructure to support the evolving speed and latency requirements? Do you have the right fiber counts and architecture?

These are all things you may already be considering, but who else is at the table? If you’re on the network team, you need to be in dialogue with your counterparts on the infrastructure side. They can help you understand what’s installed, and you can alert them to future requirements and plans that may be further down the road.

Finally, it’s never too early to bring in outside experts who can give you a fresh pair of eyes and a different perspective. While nobody knows your needs better than you, an independent expert is more likely to have a better handle on existing and emerging technologies, design trends and best practices.

Weitere Informationen

Auf dem Weg zu 1.6 T

Lesen Sie, was Hyperscale- und Multi-Tenant-Rechenzentren wissen müssen, um ihren Wechsel zu 1.6 T mit Weitsicht und Vision zu planen.  


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