Bibliothek der Hochgeschwindigkeitsmigration

Information on industry challenges and insights that will help you shape the always-on networks of tomorrow.

Technical content

Quiz: Test Your Fiber IQ
What’s WBMMF/OM5, and why is it so important? Try your hand at this short quiz and see how OM5 fits into your network’s future.
Quiz: Test Your Cabling IQ
Are you up to speed on the latest standards regarding your data center’s infrastructure and cabling? Take this short quiz to test your knowledge.
Video: Types of Cabling
Which architecture is best for you? Is it point-to-point cabling or structured cabling? Untangle the terms and unlock the potential of your network.
Video: Migrate the DC to 100G
Whether you are migrating to 40G or 100G, this video will show you how to get there faster using preterminated cabling and MPO connectors.
Video: Ultra-Low Loss Infrastructure
CommScope’s ultra-low loss fiber connectivity solutions give data center managers a stable, yet flexible high-speed infrastructure that can support long-term network evolutions.
Whitepaper: DC cabling design fundamentals
It takes a solid grasp of the design fundamentals to ensure your infrastructure can scale and adapt to meet future challenges. At CommScope, that’s what we do best.
Whitepaper: Checkliste für den Bau eines hochmodernen Rechenzentrums
Als Planungshilfe für ein erfolgreiches, ultramodernes Rechenzentrum hat CommScope eine vorläufige Checkliste und einige Tipps zusammengestellt, die bei Standort, Energieversorgung, Heizung und Kühlung, Design und physischer Infrastruktur zu beachten sind.
Whitepaper: Infrastruktur für die Cloud entwerfen
Cloud-basierte Netzwerke verwalten alles. Wichtig ist, wie das Netzwerk gestaltet ist. Dieses Papier stellt wichtige Hinweise für die Konzeption und Implementierung von Cloud-basierten Anwendungen bereit.

Business needs

hsm-ebook-thumb.jpg eBook: Konnektivität von Rechenzentren
This eBook offers practical advice on the solutions and architectures that drive the modern data center with efficiency and flexibility.
hsm-brochure-thumb.jpg Broschüre: Hochgeschwindigkeitsmigration
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Hochgeschwindigkeitsmigrationsplattform von CommScope, mit der Ihre Infrastruktur angepasst, weiterentwickelt und skaliert werden kann – jetzt und in Zukunft.
hsm-brochure-6steps-thumb.jpg Broschüre: In 6 Schritten zu Ihrem Rechenzentrum der Zukunft.
How does a data center get to the future? The experts at CommScope have boiled down the basics into six steps you can follow to design for the future of your data center.
hsm-video-hsm-thumb.jpg Video: Hoch­geschwindig­keits­migration
See how CommScope’s High Speed Migration platform provides innovative infrastructure solutions that can take your data center from where you are to where you need to go.
hsm-video-lc-mpofiber-thumb.jpg Video: LC and MPO Fiber Connectors for Higher DC Transmission Speeds
This brief video shows how the right connector choice today means more performance for the data center of tomorrow.
hsm-video-ehd-thumb.jpg Video: Enhanced High-Density Fiber
CommScope’s enhanced high-density (EHD), ultra-low loss fiber solutions are a key part of our High Speed Migration platform supporting your data center’s evolution.