Combined passive-active antennas forge a future-ready path to 5G
Mobile operators are under more pressure to upgrade 4G cell sites to add 5G capabilities—without impacting their performance, antenna count, size or equipment footprint. Combining active and passive technologies in a compact, modular solution, the CommScope Mosaic® platform puts network agility within reach. Its proven, patented interleaved technology provides:
Simplified design and installation
Agile, plug-and-play design lets you quickly deploy active, passive, or combined solutions as needed, where needed, without re-zoning or re-optimizing network coverage.
Flexibilität bei der Netzwerkplanung
Versatile platform hosts the radio(s) that best suit your network and lets you upgrade without expanding footprint or degrading network performance.
Weniger Gesamtbetriebskosten
Mosaic platform installations do not require re-optimization of existing network coverage and reduce total cost of ownership through efficient deployment and operations.
Unlock your opportunity to dramatically increase capacity, upgrade technologies, improve reliability and service quality for customers, and drive business growth.
MOSAIC® Antennenplattform: der intelligenteste Weg zu 5G
In diesem Video, gibt der CTO von CommScope, Mike Wolfe, einen Einblick in die MOSAIC Plattform, eine innovative, modulare Antennenplattform, die es Mobilfunkbetreibern ermöglicht, passive und aktive Antennen nahtlos zu integrieren, um Mobilfunkbetreibern einen wirtschaftlichen 5G-Upgrade-Pfad zu bieten.
Pressemitteilung: CommScope MOSAIC® beschleunigt 5G-Bereitstellungen
Creative Engineering hilft Betreibern, die für Kommunikationsinfrastruktur und Spektrumauktionen aufgewendeten Milliarden zu nutzen
Q&A: CommScope Mosaic® antenna platform: the shortest route to integrated 4G/5G
CommScope CTO, Outdoor Wireless Networks, address a few FAQs about how to add capacity without overloading tower tops with CommScope's Mosaic antenna platform, an integrated solution to support 4G and 5G networks
Datenblatt: Mosaic® Antennenplattform
Dieses Datenblatt beschreibt die Funktionen und Vorteile der Mosaic Antennenplattform, die 4G und 5G in einer einzigen vereinfachten Bereitstellung integriert.