From Vision to Value: the SAP/CommScope Partnership
When you’re among the world’s largest providers of cloud-based enterprise software, managing data center growth is a major concern. So SAP partnered with CommScope, giving them a solution for every challenge.
Global scaling
Each SAP data center is unique, yet all must able to scale while delivering the same consistent performance. Together, CommScope and SAP created an innovative structured cabling template. Now every SAP facility can scale on the fly and maintain superior channel consistency.
Accelerated deployment
SAP’s revenue growth is tied to deployment speed. With CommScope’s portfolio of pre-terminated cabling and global supply chain, SAP reduces the time needed to bring new customers and services on line.
Managed efficiency
In the next five years, SAP will deploy a vast amount of new rack space to meet customer demand. Logistics are a huge challenge. CommScope assigned an SAP-dedicated project team to manage ordering, scheduling, communications and more—to help everything run like clockwork.
At CommScope, our relentless pursuit of the future is helping companies, large and small, realize more of their network’s potential—each and every day. Watch the video to learn more:
To improve their Global Quality and Efficiency SAP took into account:
SYSTIMAX Application Assurance: High speed application support – guaranteed
At CommScope, we’re committed to helping companies like SAP realize more of their network’s potential every day.